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Jo茫o M.C. Teixeira, PhD

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Jo茫o Miguel Correia Teixeira
Postdoctoral Researcher
Group of Dr. Alexandre Bonvin,
Computational Structural Biology Group,
Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research,
Science for Life, Faculty of Science – Chemistry,
Utrecht University,
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht,
The Netherlands

Structural biochemist, software developer, climber, blogger ;-)

I am a scientific researcher in聽Structural Biochemistry passionate by the dynamics of multidomain proteins and flexible protein regions. I have specialized in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, mostly Paramagnetic NMR, and in the associated molecular biology techniques to tackle the biological unknowns related to protein dynamics. I have always felt a great passion for scientific software development and, since recent years, I have been developing new software infrastructures for protein modelling. I am currently researching at Dr. Alexandre Bonvin’s lab, implementing new protein docking methodologies within the new HADDOCK 3 framework.

You can find my PhD. Thesis in Research Gate, there I present all the results obtained during my Ph.D, published and unpublished (last Chapter). Also, I present a thorough bibliographic investigation on Paramagnetic NMR and Matrix Metalloproteinases.

In parallel to Science, Susana and I are passionate alpine climbers and cavers who are always looking for to be in the wild. We have a purist style in mountaineering and diving, keeping to minimums our impact in Nature, even if this means loosing some sights or opportunities. We were lucky to learn from the best, hopefully we will honour those teachings. And no adventure is concluded without a beer and a story telling ;-)

@ Scientific networks and career portfolios

PubMed-40x40researchgate linkedin-icon ghatorcid_128x128 GitHub-Mark GitHub-Mark

Bellow an highlight of my research projects (and related) that have an online platform of development:

Recently, I have been developing taurenmd as a side project. taurenmd is a command-line ecosystem that facilitates and streamlines the analysis of Molecular Dynamics data; it does so by leveraging on powerful third-party libraries such as MDAnalysis or MDTraj. taurenmd is written in Python and is available in GitHub and PyPI.


Python Thoughts Snippets is where I comment, discuss, and share thoughts on Python programming. You are invited to read and share your thoughts also, I always enjoy a good Pythonic discussion.


In the past years, I developed Farseer-NMR to automate the analysis of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) peaklist data. Farseer-NMR became essential for us to analyse with high throughput all the protein NMR data we generated. During my transition to Toronto, the development of Farseer-NMR was unfortunately halted, I want now (2020 onwards) to relaunch the development of version 2.


For a long time, I’ve been a Mendeley advisor. In this section, you can find some articles I’ve written on how to keep a library organized.


Last update: July 2021

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